Happy children onboard

Our 5 step guide to happy children

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In a worldwide survey, over 5000 parents were asked what they really wanted for their children. Some answered a healthy life, others answered a comfortable life but most parents surveyed, 64%, answered that they wanted their children to be happy in life. On Saturday June 17th, we launch our new kids’ concept – Happy at Sea – a cute, cuddly Porpoise who loves to sing, dance, play and spend time with friends. And that’s not only cute, all these things are actually vital for children. Therefore, here’s our 5 step guide to happy children.

1. Cuddling!

It’s no secret that proximity triggers the “happy hormone” oxytocin. A hormone that both boosts the immune system and reduces feelings of pain and stress – something that of course also affects children. Hugging several times a day makes children healthy, smarter and helps them grow. In addition, nothing cures a temper tantrum quite like a hug from mum or dad.

A little girl hugging Happy

2. Playing!

It has been known for a long time that playing is important for children. When we play, new nerves are created in the brain being tested, and we can explore our potential talents. This is important for developing social interaction and learning skills. Naturally, children love to play – something that we can all learn from!

Children playing in the terminal

3. Dance!

Anyone who has ever been near children knows that they love to move. Movements release endorphins, the body’s own feel good hormone. Through dancing, joy and community are shared, while balance and self-esteem are improved and you become a faster problem solver, too. Dancing is something children love to do, and can also help with their confidence and social skills.

Children dancing the Happy song

4. Sing!

Singing for or with your child creates strong ties and feelings of community and togetherness. Singing is something that has been used since ancient times in contact with children: from good night vision to fun songs with movements and exciting lyrics. Singing also boosts memory skills and is an excellent source of greater vocabulary and new ideas.

Children singing

5. Hang out / be close!

Spending quality time with our children is extremely important for their well-being and development. Without it, children might not develop their social skills. But quality time does not have to be hour-long activities. Do you have trouble getting the time to love the kids to help and help their parents?  A hot tip is to integrate them into your everyday life – win-win!

So what are you waiting for? Come on board, meet Happy and sing, play, dance, hug and hang out! /ylva.
